2 Sept 2017

psql \d now supports Interleaved / Compound SORTKEYs (in Redshift)

In continuation of support for Redshift series, now Describe Table (for e.g. \d tbl) shows SORTKEY details. This resolves Issue #6 and shows both COMPOUND / INTERLEAVED variations along with all the column names.

This change was complicated because Redshift doesn't natively support LISTAGG() function on System / Catalog tables, which meant that I had to resort to a pretty verbose workaround. This in-turn meant that this patch shows only the first ten COMPOUND SORTKEYs of a table. Seriously speaking, it would really take an extreme corner-case, for someone to genuinely require a SORTKEY with 10+ columns.

This is not a limitation for INTERLEAVED SORTKEY since it only supports a maximum of 8 Columns.

db=# \d tbl_pk
                                           Table "public.tbl_pk"
 Column  |   Type   | Encoding | DistKey | SortKey | Preload | Encryption | Collation | Nullable | Default
 custkey | smallint | lzo      | f       | 0       | f       | none       |           | not null |
 PRIMARY KEY, btree (custkey)

db=# CREATE TABLE tbl_compound(
db(#   custkey   SMALLINT                ENCODE delta NOT NULL,
db(#   custname  INTEGER DEFAULT 10      ENCODE raw NULL,
db(#   gender    BOOLEAN                 ENCODE RAW,
db(#   address   CHAR(5)                 ENCODE LZO,
db(#   city      BIGINT identity(0, 1)   ENCODE DELTA,
db(#   state     DOUBLE PRECISION        ENCODE Runlength,
db(#   zipcode   REAL,
db(#   tempdel1  DECIMAL                 ENCODE Mostly16,
db(#   tempdel2  BIGINT                  ENCODE Mostly32,
db(#   tempdel3  DATE                    ENCODE DELTA32k,
db(#   tempdel4  TIMESTAMP               ENCODE Runlength,
db(#   tempdel5  TIMESTAMPTZ             ENCODE DELTA,
db(#   tempdel6  VARCHAR(MAX)            ENCODE text32k,
db(#   start_date VARCHAR(10)            ENCODE TEXT255
db(# )
db-# DISTKEY (custname)
db-# COMPOUND SORTKEY (custkey, custname, gender, address, city, state, zipcode, tempdel1, tempdel2, tempdel3, tempdel4, tempdel5, start_date);
db=# \d tbl_compound
                                                                 Table "public.tbl_compound"
   Column   |            Type             | Encoding  | DistKey | SortKey | Preload | Encryption | Collation | Nullable |              Default
 custkey    | smallint                    | delta     | f       | 1       | f       | none       |           | not null |
 custname   | integer                     | none      | t       | 2       | f       | none       |           |          | 10
 gender     | boolean                     | none      | f       | 3       | f       | none       |           |          |
 address    | character(5)                | lzo       | f       | 4       | f       | none       |           |          |
 city       | bigint                      | delta     | f       | 5       | f       | none       |           |          | "identity"(494055, 4, '0,1'::text)
 state      | double precision            | runlength | f       | 6       | f       | none       |           |          |
 zipcode    | real                        | none      | f       | 7       | f       | none       |           |          |
 tempdel1   | numeric(18,0)               | mostly16  | f       | 8       | f       | none       |           |          |
 tempdel2   | bigint                      | mostly32  | f       | 9       | f       | none       |           |          |
 tempdel3   | date                        | delta32k  | f       | 10      | f       | none       |           |          |
 tempdel4   | timestamp without time zone | runlength | f       | 11      | f       | none       |           |          |
 tempdel5   | timestamp with time zone    | delta     | f       | 12      | f       | none       |           |          |
 tempdel6   | character varying(65535)    | text32k   | f       | 0       | f       | none       |           |          |
 start_date | character varying(10)       | text255   | f       | 13      | f       | none       |           |          |
 COMPOUND SORTKEY (address,tempdel2,start_date,custkey,zipcode,tempdel4,city,state,tempdel3,custname)

db=# CREATE TABLE tbl_interleaved(custkey SMALLINT) INTERLEAVED SORTKEY (custkey);
db=# \d tbl_interleaved
                                      Table "public.tbl_interleaved"
 Column  |   Type   | Encoding | DistKey | SortKey | Preload | Encryption | Collation | Nullable | Default
 custkey | smallint | none     | f       | 1       | f       | none       |           |          |

As a side-note, there is a consideration as to whether this should be on a separate section of its own (and not under Indexes, which it clearly isn't). May be another day. Happy Redshifting :) !

Update (15th Sep 2017):
This project has now been named PsqlForks!

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