29 Sept 2017

PsqlForks now recognizes PgBouncer

With this commit, PsqlForks knows when it's talking to PgBouncer (and not Postgres).

Down the line, this should pave way for PsqlForks to more cleanly convey why (most of) the given psql shortcut(s) don't work (and what else does).

As always, the psql/README always has the most updated status of any engine support.

$ psql -h localhost -E -p6543 -U postgres pgbouncer
psql (client-version:11devel, server-version:1.7.1/bouncer, engine:pgbouncer)
Type "help" for help.

pgbouncer=# show version;
NOTICE:  pgbouncer version 1.7.1

25 Sept 2017

PsqlForks now supports CockroachDB

PsqlForks now supports CockroachDB as much as is currently possible. You can check it's current SQL status here.

$ /opt/postgres/master/bin/psql -h localhost -E -p 26257 -U root
psql (client-version:11devel, server-version:9.5.0, engine:cockroachdb)
Type "help" for help.

root=> select version();
 CockroachDB CCL v1.0.6 (linux amd64, built 2017/09/14 15:15:48, go1.8.3)
(1 row)
bank=> \l
                                      List of databases
        Name        | Owner |     Encoding      |  Collate   |   Ctype    | Access privileges
 bank               |       | Not Supported Yet | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 | Not Supported Yet
 crdb_internal      |       | Not Supported Yet | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 | Not Supported Yet
 information_schema |       | Not Supported Yet | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 | Not Supported Yet
 pg_catalog         |       | Not Supported Yet | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 | Not Supported Yet
 system             |       | Not Supported Yet | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 | Not Supported Yet
(5 rows)
bank=> \dv
      List of relations
 Schema | Name | Type | Owner
 bank   | a    | view |
(1 row)

bank=> \di
                       List of relations
 Schema |          Name           | Type  | Owner |   Table
 bank   | primary                 | index |       | accounts
 system | jobs_status_created_idx | index |       | jobs
 system | primary                 | index |       | descriptor
 system | primary                 | index |       | eventlog
 system | primary                 | index |       | jobs
 system | primary                 | index |       | lease
 system | primary                 | index |       | namespace
 system | primary                 | index |       | rangelog
 system | primary                 | index |       | settings
 system | primary                 | index |       | ui
 system | primary                 | index |       | users
 system | primary                 | index |       | zones
(12 rows)

15 Sept 2017

PsqlForks now supports PipelineDB

After working on this PSQL variant that intends to support all Postgres forks, I finally narrowed down to naming it.

Since this was essentially Psql (for) Forks, quite intuitively, I chose to name it PsqlForks.

Considering that until recently this fork just supported Amazon Redshift, this naming didn't make much sense if it wasn't supporting at least 2 forks :) !

Thus, PsqlForks now supports PipelineDB!

$  /opt/postgres/master/bin/psql -U pipeline -p 5434 -h localhost pipeline
psql (client-version:11devel, server-version:9.5.3, engine:pipelinedb)
Type "help" for help.

pipeline=# \q

2 Sept 2017

psql \d now supports Interleaved / Compound SORTKEYs (in Redshift)

In continuation of support for Redshift series, now Describe Table (for e.g. \d tbl) shows SORTKEY details. This resolves Issue #6 and shows both COMPOUND / INTERLEAVED variations along with all the column names.

This change was complicated because Redshift doesn't natively support LISTAGG() function on System / Catalog tables, which meant that I had to resort to a pretty verbose workaround. This in-turn meant that this patch shows only the first ten COMPOUND SORTKEYs of a table. Seriously speaking, it would really take an extreme corner-case, for someone to genuinely require a SORTKEY with 10+ columns.

This is not a limitation for INTERLEAVED SORTKEY since it only supports a maximum of 8 Columns.

db=# \d tbl_pk
                                           Table "public.tbl_pk"
 Column  |   Type   | Encoding | DistKey | SortKey | Preload | Encryption | Collation | Nullable | Default
 custkey | smallint | lzo      | f       | 0       | f       | none       |           | not null |
 PRIMARY KEY, btree (custkey)

db=# CREATE TABLE tbl_compound(
db(#   custkey   SMALLINT                ENCODE delta NOT NULL,
db(#   custname  INTEGER DEFAULT 10      ENCODE raw NULL,
db(#   gender    BOOLEAN                 ENCODE RAW,
db(#   address   CHAR(5)                 ENCODE LZO,
db(#   city      BIGINT identity(0, 1)   ENCODE DELTA,
db(#   state     DOUBLE PRECISION        ENCODE Runlength,
db(#   zipcode   REAL,
db(#   tempdel1  DECIMAL                 ENCODE Mostly16,
db(#   tempdel2  BIGINT                  ENCODE Mostly32,
db(#   tempdel3  DATE                    ENCODE DELTA32k,
db(#   tempdel4  TIMESTAMP               ENCODE Runlength,
db(#   tempdel5  TIMESTAMPTZ             ENCODE DELTA,
db(#   tempdel6  VARCHAR(MAX)            ENCODE text32k,
db(#   start_date VARCHAR(10)            ENCODE TEXT255
db(# )
db-# DISTKEY (custname)
db-# COMPOUND SORTKEY (custkey, custname, gender, address, city, state, zipcode, tempdel1, tempdel2, tempdel3, tempdel4, tempdel5, start_date);
db=# \d tbl_compound
                                                                 Table "public.tbl_compound"
   Column   |            Type             | Encoding  | DistKey | SortKey | Preload | Encryption | Collation | Nullable |              Default
 custkey    | smallint                    | delta     | f       | 1       | f       | none       |           | not null |
 custname   | integer                     | none      | t       | 2       | f       | none       |           |          | 10
 gender     | boolean                     | none      | f       | 3       | f       | none       |           |          |
 address    | character(5)                | lzo       | f       | 4       | f       | none       |           |          |
 city       | bigint                      | delta     | f       | 5       | f       | none       |           |          | "identity"(494055, 4, '0,1'::text)
 state      | double precision            | runlength | f       | 6       | f       | none       |           |          |
 zipcode    | real                        | none      | f       | 7       | f       | none       |           |          |
 tempdel1   | numeric(18,0)               | mostly16  | f       | 8       | f       | none       |           |          |
 tempdel2   | bigint                      | mostly32  | f       | 9       | f       | none       |           |          |
 tempdel3   | date                        | delta32k  | f       | 10      | f       | none       |           |          |
 tempdel4   | timestamp without time zone | runlength | f       | 11      | f       | none       |           |          |
 tempdel5   | timestamp with time zone    | delta     | f       | 12      | f       | none       |           |          |
 tempdel6   | character varying(65535)    | text32k   | f       | 0       | f       | none       |           |          |
 start_date | character varying(10)       | text255   | f       | 13      | f       | none       |           |          |
 COMPOUND SORTKEY (address,tempdel2,start_date,custkey,zipcode,tempdel4,city,state,tempdel3,custname)

db=# CREATE TABLE tbl_interleaved(custkey SMALLINT) INTERLEAVED SORTKEY (custkey);
db=# \d tbl_interleaved
                                      Table "public.tbl_interleaved"
 Column  |   Type   | Encoding | DistKey | SortKey | Preload | Encryption | Collation | Nullable | Default
 custkey | smallint | none     | f       | 1       | f       | none       |           |          |

As a side-note, there is a consideration as to whether this should be on a separate section of its own (and not under Indexes, which it clearly isn't). May be another day. Happy Redshifting :) !

Update (15th Sep 2017):
This project has now been named PsqlForks!

On-Prem AI chatbot - Hello World!

In continuation of the recent posts... Finally got a on-premise chat-bot running! Once downloaded, the linux box is able to spin up / down t...