13 Oct 2017

PsqlForks supports AWS IAM authentication for Redshift

With this commit, PsqlForks ( http://psqlforks.com ) can now fetch credentials from AWS IAM. Read more about Redshift's support for generating database credentials using IAM authentication feature, here.

Since the entire AWS CLI isn't baked into PsqlForks (yet!), you'd need a working copy of AWS CLI installed / working on the host (from where psql is called).

This took a while, since I missed the basic assumption that Redshift enforces SSL and psql doesn't attempt SSLMODE by default in the first try. The fact that CYGWIN wasn't super-smooth with AWS CLI in my test installation, didn't help either.

But as they say, all's well that ends well. There are few obvious additions that are possible (such as expiration validation / re-use unexpired credentials on re-connect etc.) but this should get merged in the forks mainline soon.

I guess it's time to begin thinking of releases, instead of making the mainline jittery with feature additions such as this one.


$ psql "sslmode=require host=redshift_cluster port=5439 dbname=redshift2" -U testing1
Password for user testing1:
psql: fe_sendauth: no password supplied

$ psql -I "sslmode=require host=redshift_cluster port=5439 dbname=redshift2" -U testing1

CLI: aws redshift get-cluster-credentials --auto-create --db-user testing1 --cluster-identifier redshift2 # Informational / testing output

psql (client-version:11devel, server-version:8.0.2, engine:redshift)
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.2, cipher: ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, bits: 256, compression: on)
Type "help" for help.

redshift2=> select current_user;
(1 row)

redshift2=> \du
                     List of roles
 Role name |          Attributes           | Member of
 redshift2 | Superuser, Create DB         +|
           | Password valid until infinity |
 testing1  |                               |

redshift2=> \q

$ ./psql --help | grep -i iam
  -I, --aws-iam-redshift   use temporary database credentials from AWS IAM Service

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