6 Dec 2011

Setup Ubuntu for PgAdmin Development (from Git)

This article is a primer for those wanting to start developing on PgAdmin on an Ubuntu 12.10.

Getting Ubuntu ready for development

  • sudo apt-get install build-essential
  • sudo apt-get install git
  • sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev
  • sudo apt-get install libxslt-dev
  • sudo apt-get install autotools-dev
  • sudo apt-get install automake
  • sudo apt-get install libwxgtk2.8-dev
  • sudo apt-get install libssl-dev

Install PostgreSQL Database

  • Click here for detailed steps.

Get PgAdmin source

  • mkdir pgadmin
  • cd pgadmin/
  • git clone git://git.postgresql.org/git/pgadmin3.git
    • Would take some time (~10 minutes) but YMMV
  • cd pgadmin3/
  • bash bootstrap
  • ./configure
  • make
  • make install
These steps should give you a freshly compiled PgAdmin3 binary, customized for your system.

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